Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birthday Party Invitation: Saturday, January 21st, 12 - 4pm

This is a friendly reminder of my dad's 67th birthday party this Saturday, January 21st.

What: Sherm's 67th birthday party

Where: Birchwood  (map) "Resident Lounge" 
@ the front door, punch in the code 0112* (the month, the year, and star) 
when you get to the nurses' station, the Resident Lounge is to the right.

When: Saturday, January 21st, 12pm - 4pm (come and go as you need to)

My sister will be flying in and arriving at 3:30, so I'm going to extend the party a little to 4pm or so. We'll have a party sub, some snacks, cake, and ice cream. There's no need for gifts; it'll be great if my dad can just be surrounded by adoring fans. :) He might fall asleep at some point for a nap, but I hope we can all enjoy each other's company and swap stories, anyway.

Call, text, or email if you have questions or need directions or anything: 231.750.6906 /

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